The Truth is in the Eye of Tiger

Monica/ April 7, 2020

In my Read This and That series, I pair unlikely reading suggestions by recommending an old-fashioned but special book (e.g., A Place to Stand by Jimmy Santiago Baca) and some other source of the written word that does not qualify for any literary prize but should (e.g., ridiculous online reviews).  This is my way of encouraging all reading, all the

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Read This and That (and That Too)

Monica/ August 25, 2016

From time to time, I invite you to pick up a book I couldn’t put down, but also something with less overt literary value. So far we’ve covered A Place to Stand by Jimmy Santiago Baca and random online reviews, here, and I paired Meghan Daum’s The Unspeakable with bad kid jokes, here. This Read This and That post, however,

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Read This and That

Monica/ March 20, 2016

About a year ago, a fellow bookworm with eclectic taste recommended The Unspeakable by Meghan Daum.

Read This and That

Monica/ December 8, 2015

I read like other people pick their nose, alone and comfortable in it.  Like other people run, at the quickest pace and allowing the fewest shortcuts for the greatest return.  I never leave my home without at least one book because the weight in my bag is grounding.  I strum pages when I’m anxious.  There is nothing I enjoy or

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